IX Olimpiada Informatyczna 2001/2002
Task: izo
Author: Zbigniew Czech
II stage contest |
The company Insumax produces multilayer thermal insulators. Each of the i layers, i=1, 2, ..., n, of such an insulator is characterized by positive insulation coefficient ai. The layers are numbered according to the direction the heat leaks.
heat -> || a1 | a2 | ... | ai | ai+1 | ... | an || ->
The insulation coefficient of the whole insulator, A, is described by the sum of insulation coefficients of its layers. Moreover, the coefficient A raises if a layer with a smaller insulation coefficient is followed by a layer with a larger coefficient, according to the formula:
For example, the insulation coefficient of the insulator of the form
-> || 5 | 4 | 1 | 7 || ->
is A = (5+4+1+7)+(7-1) = 23.
4 5 4 1 7the correct answer is in the following output file izo.out: