Niebieskie ksi.eczki
VII Olimpiada Informatyczna 1999/2000

Task: PAS
Author: Adam Borowski

I stage contest  

Stripes is a two player game. Necessary requisites are a board and rectangular stripes in three colours: red, green and blue. All the red stripes have dimensions c x 1, green - z x 1, and blue - n x 1, where c, z and n are integers. Players have at their disposal an unlimited pool of stripes of each colour.

A game board is a rectangle of dimensions p x 1 and consists of p fields of size 1 x 1.

Players make their moves by turns. Move consists of laying a stripe of any colour on the board. There are the following rules in force:

The first player is this one, who makes the first move in the game. It is said, that the first player has a winning strategy, if independently of the moves of the second player he can always win.


Write a program, which:


The first line of the input file PAS.IN consists of three integers c, z and n, 1 <= c, z, n <= 1000, equal to the lengths of stripes, adequately: red, green and blue ones. Numbers in the line are separated by single spaces.

The second line of the file PAS.IN consists of one number m, 1 <= m <= 1000, which is equal to the number of different boards to consider. Lines from the 3-rd to the (m+2)-th consists of one number p, 1 <= p < 1000. Number in the (i+2)-th line is the length of the i-th board.


The output file PAS.OUT should contain m lines. Only one number should be written in the i-th line of the file:


For the input file PAS.IN:

1 5 1

the correct result is the output file PAS.OUT
