Niebieskie ksi.eczki
VI Olimpiada Informatyczna 1998/1999

Task: TRO
Three-coloring of binary trees

III stage contest  

A tree consists of a node and some (zero, one or two) subtrees connected to it. These subtrees are called children.

A specification of the tree is a sequence of digits. If the number of children in the tree is:

Each of the vertices in the tree must be painted either red or green or blue.
However, we need to obey the following rules:

How many vertices may be painted green?


Write a program which:


The first and only line of the input file TRO.IN consists of one word (no longer then 10000 characters), which is a specification of a tree.


Your program should write in the first and only line of the output file TRO.OUT exactly two integers separated by a single space, which respectively denote the maximal and the minimal number of vertices that may be painted green.


For the input file TRO.IN:


the correct answer is the output file TRO.OUT:

5 2