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  About Olympic -> Problems -> IV OI 1996/1997

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Niebieskie ksi.eczki
IV Olimpiada Informatyczna 1996/1997

Task: GEN
Author: Przemysława Kanarek

II stage contest  
Source fileGEN.??? (e.g. PAS,C, CPP)
Executable fileGEN.EXE
Input fileGEN.IN
Output fileGEN.OUT

Genotype is a finite sequence of genes. It can be described by words built of capital letters A-Z of the English alphabet. Different letters denote different kinds of genes. A gene can bud and in effect transform into a pair of new genes. Such transformations are controlled by a finite set of rules. Every rule of budding can be described by three capital letters A1A2A3. Such a description means that gene A1 can transform into the pair of genes A2A3.

We are using S to denote the special kind of genes called supergenes. The breeding of a genotype begins from a sequence of supergenes and it consists in controlled budding of chosen genes according to the given rules.


Write a program that:
  • reads from the text file GEN.IN a finite set of budding rules and a sequence of words describing genotypes which we want to breed,
  • for every given genotype checks if it can be bred from a certain finite sequence of supergenes according to the given budding rules and if so finds the minimal length of such a sequence,
  • writes the result to the text file GEN.OUT.


In the first line of the text file GEN.IN there is one integer n, 1 <= n <= 10000. In each of the following n lines there is one budding rule. Such a rule is described by a word consisting of three capital letters A - Z.

In the next line there is written one integer k, 1 <= k <= 10000. In each of the following k lines there is one genotype. Such a genotype is described by a non-empty word consisting of at most 100 letters A - Z.


In the i-th of k lines of the text file GEN.OUT there should be written:
  • one positive integer - the minimal length of a sequence of supergenes needed to breed the i-th of the given genotypes, or
  • the word NIE (which means NO in Polish), if such a genotype can not be bred.


For the file GEN.IN:
the correct solution is file GEN.OUT:

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