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  About Olympic -> Problems -> IV OI 1996/1997

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Niebieskie ksi.eczki
IV Olimpiada Informatyczna 1996/1997

Task: REZ
Author: Wojciech Guzicki
Lecture halls reservation

III stage contest  
Source fileREZ.??? (e.g. PAS,C, CPP)
Executable fileREZ.EXE
Input fileREZ.IN
Output fileREZ.OUT

We have a lecture hall at our disposal. Lecturers place orders in which they specify at what time their lecture begins and at what time it ends. We want to make maximal use of the hall. We accept some orders and reject others and our aim is to achieve the longest possible time of lectures in the hall. We assume that at the moment when one lecture ends another can begin.


Write a program that:
  • reads orders of lecturers from the text file REZ.IN,
  • computes the maximal possible time of lectures,
  • writes the result to the file REZ.OUT.


In the first line of the text file REZ.IN there is written one positive integer n, n <= 10000, which is the number of orders.

In each of the following n lines there are written two integers p and k, separated by a single space, 0 <= p < k <= 30000. Such a pair of integers represents an order for the hall. The lecture is to begin at time p and end in time k.


In the first line of the text file REZ.OUT there should be written the maximal possible time of lectures.


For the text file REZ.IN:
1 2
3 5
0 4
6 8
7 13
4 6
9 10
9 12
11 14
15 19
14 16
18 20
the correct result is the text file REZ.OUT

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